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Registered Doctor of Acupuncture & TCM. Lecturer & Author in Tibb-Nabawi, Complementary & Integrative Medicine. Scholar and Researcher.
Need help with a health issue?
Suffering from a chronic illness can impact every aspect of your life.
Not finding the root cause of the problem and relying on medication that only addresses the symptoms is not a lasting solution and can produce unwanted side effects and debilitation later in life.
If you are looking for a real solution then the first step is to find the root cause of the illness. If you would like to start the process then click below for a free online assessment:
Book your consult
If you have a health issue that you are struggling with Dr Latib would be happy to assist you. In order to make a booking you can use the online booking system below or send a message using the contact form and we will get back to you to assist with making an appointment. ​​​
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